Dagger is a programmable CI/CD engine that runs your pipelines in containers. Develop your CI/CD pipelines as code, in the same programming language as your application. Dagger executes your pipelines entirely as standard OCI containers.
Nov 30, 2022
— 20:00
Prague, Czech Republic
Dagger is a programmable CI/CD engine that runs your pipelines in containers. Develop your CI/CD pipelines as code, in the same programming language as your application. Dagger executes your pipelines entirely as standard OCI containers. This has several benefits:
- Instant local testing
- Portability: the same pipeline can run on your local machine, a CI runner, a dedicated server, or any container hosting service.
- Superior caching: every operation is cached by default, and caching works the same everywhere
- Compatibility with the Docker ecosystem: if it runs in a container, you can add it to your pipeline
- Cross-language instrumentation: teams can use each other’s tools without learning each other’s language